Groceries at Krist

Find groceries at Krist! We conveniently carry various grocery items both in our coolers and on shelves. If you’re in a rush and only have time to stop and get gas, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

What we offer

You can find a wide selection of pantry items and refrigerated items in our stores. Some include Humpty Dumpty farm-fresh eggs, Prairie Farms milk gallons and half gallons, heat-n-serve single meals, and even various condiments!

An array of full size bags of chips fill an entire display. One of the most nostalgic beverages in our Northwoods area, Faygo 2Ls tower above the rest on an end cap. And a glorious table covered in pastries and cookies greets you when you walk into any of our locations. Got a sweet tooth? We can cure it!

Need some more convincing? We have thick cut bacon, Johnsonville brats and sausages, loaves of bread, buns, and pantry-safe snacks and treats the whole family will thank you for bringing home.